
Welcome to your ParishWorld Mobile App.

Congratulations on choosing to accept today's mobile technology into your Parish and and for your decision to actively bring the gifts of the New Evangelization to your parish members. Now that your new ParishWorld web and mobile presence is fully functional, the next step in the process is to maximize its impact at your parish.

Here are some important facts we learned from Matthew Kelly's book: "The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic."

* The 80/20 principle does not apply to our Catholic parishes. Not even close.
* This is what Matthew discovered: Only 6.4% of registered parishioners contribute 80% of the volunteer hours in church. And only 6.8% of registered parishioners donate 80% of financial contributions. That's roughly 7%.
* That's the bad news. The good news is your bar for improvement is not very high. If roughly 7% of your parish members are carrying 80% of the load, imagine what 14% can do. Not to mention 21% or 35%.

Your parish - and the entire Catholic Church - is a sleeping giant. If by using your new Parish App we can help you engage just another 1% of your parishioners over the next year, it would be a game changer. It would result in an additional 11.4% in volunteer hours to serve your community better. It would also bring in an additional 11.4% in additional revenue. All from a meager 1% increase.

This blog is a perpetual work in progress. We will continue to add new articles that can help us develop more dynamic Catholics in our parishes. Keep on reading this blog as we share ideas, thoughts and suggestions with you on how we can build a strong spiritual and structural base within our parish communities.

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