
7 Ways to Kill Your Bulletin

Print is Dead. The Parish Bulletin is Dying.

Everywhere, we turn we see people turn to online sources while rejecting printed materials. Newspapers are fading, magazine ad sales faltering and Borders Bookstore is only a memory. Meanwhile news blogs, eBooks and websites are flourishing.

It makes sense. Print costs more, requires a setup lag time and distribution is limited by postage or personal contact.

OK, print isn’t dead. It’s just breathing heavily on a death bed. And in this related article, Blogger Steve Fogg offers some thoughts why it still might be a good idea to keep your Parish bulletin around.

What This Means For The Church

People trust bulletins. The problem? Most aren’t reading them. The world is changing and the church clings to its print materials.

Why? It’s easier to not change. We have processes in place to ensure accurate bulletins are published each week. People trust them. The problem? Most aren’t reading them.

What should a church do? I’d not suggest eliminating all print church communications just yet.

Take It A Step Further

If you ask us, we say keep it around. But start putting things in place to migrate your communciation to your online presence -- specifically your Mobile App from ParishWorld which features Push Notification, the single most important online tool ever made available for Catholic Parishes. Here's the related article

In the meantime, read this article that offers several key approaches while we wait for the bulletin’s death gurgle. This is a Must-Read for all pastors and parish office personnel.

The article offers great ides on how to transition your parish audience from print to online. And it talks a lot about the use of your Parish website  -- as it should. However, it misses to mention a key factor that in our opinion is the key ingredient to most effectively reaching your parish audience today -- Going Mobile. This related article will also be very helpful -- Parish Website VS. Parish App.

ParishWorld Can Help

Check out our website on how we help Catholic Parishes make the vital transition from ineffective passive websites to dynamic pro-active Parish Websites and Apps. Go to our website: Or call us at (818) 446-6793 for a free online demo.

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