
Why Online Giving Makes a Big Difference

Before we begin, let's get one thing straight. We are not an Online Giving company. We do not provide such services nor do we generate any revenue from them. What we do is make sure that whatever Online Giving company you choose for your Parish, we make it serviceable and compatible with your Parish App.

That being said, we do believe that Online Giving is a critical and vital spiritual tool every Parish should have. In this article, we explain the reasons why.

Sunday Giving Hit or Miss

In the traditional Catholic collection world, stewardship happens on Sundays -- one hour a week during Mass. Parishes basically have a one hour window to ask for donations from their parishioners during Offertory at Mass. It is at this moment that 99% of all donations are given by Parish members -- but only by those who were actually present at Mass and actually sitting in the pews when the collection basket gets passed around.

The latest research from the Pew Research however, give us a different awareness of our stark Parish realities. Only 20% of Catholics go to Mass religiously every Sunday. Many do not even go to Mass at all. And if they are not in the pews, they can not give. It's as simple as that.

A 24-Hour Opportunity

With the predominance of mobile phones in our daily lives, Online Giving has taken on an unprecedented role in Parish stewardship. From just the traditional one-hour window each week during Sunday Mass, Handheld online giving extends the giving opportunity into a 24/7 cycle. If they hold their mobile phones in their hands, they have an opportunity to give. Even if they don't make it to church on Sundays.

Here's one scenario. I use online giving and commit to give $20 to my parish each week. I authorize the money to be taken from my bank account weekly. My Parish just captured me for 52 weeks of the entire year. I committed willingly. And they get it even if, for any reason I don't make it to Mass on any given Sunday. That's true tithing, that's graceful stewardship. And my Parish can count on my pledge no matter what.

Push Notification Seals The Deal

Here's another scenario. On any given day, your mobile phone dings. You look at the incoming text message and it's from your Parish. They had an unexpected emergency at the Parish and your pastor just texted you asking for a kind donation of any amount. You instinctively click the text box and you're now reading his appeal letter. In the letter is a link that automatically brings you to your Parish Online Donation page. You give a few painless bucks -- on impulse. And your Parish is happy.

This text messaging feature is called PUSH NOTIFICATION. And it is an integral part of the Premium App service provided by ParishWorld. In our opinion it is the single most important communication and stewardship tool ever made available to our Catholic parishes. It puts the Parish in control of the stewardship appeal. It is pro-active. It is effective And ParishWorld provides it as part of our Premium service.

It's an Online Giving World

74% of the U.S. demographics now own an iPhone or an Android. That's huge.

Studies show that in 2013, the latest year where data is available, handheld online giving increased by 204% from the prior year. Today's Internet audience is very comfortable with giving donations and making payments online. It is a socially acceptable method and a financially secure way of transferring funds. Everyone does it. I, as an example, pay all my bills online. There's just no other way for me.

Also, the latest data shows that 74% of all online giving is done on impulse. People in general have kind and giving hearts. Maximize this benefit to your Parish's favor. Set up a handheld online giving program with any reputable company. And then complement that with the pro-active Push Notification program from ParishWorld and watch your stewardship campaign bloom.

In general, online giving has been proven to increase Parish collections by 12-15%. These numbers should easily apply to your Parish as well. However, it is the Push Notification ability that really completes the service package.

One pastor told us that since he started implementing his Push Notification stewardship campaign, his collections increased $600-$700 every week. What would your Parish do if you experienced an increase in weekly collections like that?

"Push" Your Parish Appeals 

Choose from any of the many Online Giving services around. Though not necessary, we recommend you choose one that's adapted to the ways of the Catholic Church. You just might find their reporting systems and procedures more adapted to your needs.

Finalize your Online Giving campaign today. And ParishWorld will take care of the rest for you.

We will make sure your stewardship campaigns are "Pushed" out to your congregation in real time. It simply works. It really works.

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