
A Pentecost Sunday Announcement

Holy Spirit Catholic Community in Hemet, CA is one of our newest Parish ministry partners. And they are launching their brand new Parish Website and Mobile App this weekend on Pentecost Sunday, May 24, 2015.

We wrote this Pentecost Sunday pulpit announcement for them to read at every Mass this weekend. It will also be translated by one of their staff members to Spanish.

We just thought that we might as well share it with all our other Parish ministry partners. If you like it, please print the announcement below and do read it at your Masses this Pentecost Sunday. It is about 5 minutes long. We timed it. And we think it will go a long way to increasing awareness and excitement for your new Parish Mobile App.

It's all yours. A blessed and happy Pentecost to you.



Today is Pentecost Sunday. Happy birthday to you.
Why did I greet you? Because today is the birthday of the Catholic Church
So let me greet you all a happy birthday.

And on this your birthday, Holy Spirit Hemet has a birthday gift for you.
You now have a brand new Parish website and Parish Mobile App.
Look in the bulletin. Do you see the announcement.

Please allow me to tell you why we are so excited to share these with you. And why it is so important.

The New Evangelization has come to Holy Spirit Hemet.

Have you heard of this term The New Evangelization?
Pope John Paul II started it.
It is the use of New Media -- the Internet -- to reach two important groups:  the fallen away and the under-Catechized.

Who are the Fallen-away? You know who they are. They are your friends, neighbors, children, family. They were baptized Catholic but they're no longer Catholic. If you combine all the fallen away into one church, they would be the largest Protestant denomination in the United States today. So sad but so true, Isn't it?

And who are the under-Catechized? That's you and me. We are all sacramentalized. But we are all under-Catechized. We all need a better understanding of our Catholic faith. Father Pat gives us wonderful homilies. But let's face it. One hour each week at Mass is not enough for us to learn the majesty of our faith and richness of God's salvation plan for each of us.

And that is where our new Parish website and mobile app comes in.
Who among you owns a mobile device: an iPhone, an Android phone, an iPad or a tablet? Raise your hands?
And who among you have friends, neighbors, children, grandchildren, or family members who have these devices? Raise your hands?
You see, today everybody owns one of these. And we carry it with us everywhere we go.

Our new Mobile App and website is for you, people of Holy Spirit Hemet. But it is also for your family members, your grandchildren, your friends, your neighbors.

It is now our Parish online center for Prayer, Study, Giving and Evangelization. These are the four marks of a Dynamic Catholic. It will help you pray everyday. It will help you study our faith better. It will allow you to give of your time talent and treasure. And it will help you spread the faith to everyone you know.

Our Parish mobile App is your own Catholic CNN in your mobile phone. It comes loaded with thousands of Catholic articles that will inspire you and help you understand our Church teachings.

And these articles change everyday. Pope Francis will be speaking to you through the Mobile App everyday. So will Bishop Barnes. So will Fr. Pat. Plus hundreds of the brightest Catholic theologians, pastors, preachers and priests who will be sending fresh Catholic articles to your mobile devices everyday.

The latest announcements, stories and events at Holy Spirit Hemet will also display on our new Mobile App.

And if you are not daily Mass goers for whatever reason, use our Parish mobile app and there you can find the Daily Readings every day. Wouldn't it be beautiful to start your day with the Liturgy of the Word? God's Word right there in your hands every day?  You can even read sermons and reflections about the Daily Readings.

Prayer, Study, Giving and Evangelization. We want to help you become dynamic Catholics. We want you to help your friends and family become dynamic Catholics.

If you have a mobile device, download our Free mobile app today. If you don't have one, tell your family and friends to download it. Remember that this is for everyone, even those who don't come to Holy Spirit Church. And even for those who just don't come to church anymore.

On the first Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles and gave them seven gifts. Today on this Pentecost Sunday, we also receive these same gifts.

But remember that they are gifts. You have to make a choice to accept them. And you have to make the choice to use them.

Your Parish Mobile App is also an inspired gift from your Parish, from your Church.

Make the choice and download our FREE Parish Mobile App today.

Make the choice to use our Parish Mobile App to educate yourself about the teachings of our Church.

Make the choice to share it to your family and friends so they may be blessed as well.

And make the choice to share your Mobile App with those you know who have stopped coming to our Catholic Church. Many times all it takes is a simple invitation. Tell them to download our Parish Mobile App. And let it go to work for you.

If you own an Apple device, go to the AppStore. If you are on an Android device, go to your Google Play Store.

Download the App called ParishWorld. Search for your Parish by your zip code.

It's Free for everyone.

So let me greet you again.

Happy Pentecost Sunday.

And Happy birthday to you all.

Thank you for having me. God bless you all.


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